Thursday, November 29, 2018

Protestant Reformation

Watch and make additions to your notes an/or respond to the following questions.

Protestant Reformation

1. Aside from just splitting the Catholic Church, what are some additional effects of the Reformation?
2. Why was the Catholic Church the most powerful economic and political force in Europe?
3. Who is responsible for the Reformation?
4. When Luther visited Rome in 1505, what was he struck by?
5. With respect to the Church, what are indulgences?
6. On what date did Luther display his Ninety-Five Theses against indulgences?
7. Plenty of radical friars had criticized the Church’s abuses and hypocrisies – why would Martin Luther prove to be so influential?
8. What is perhaps the most revolutionary of Luther’s actions?
9. What are some examples of the spin-off denominations from the Catholic Church as a reaction to the Reformation?
10. What was the biggest revolutionary uprising in Europe before the French Revolution?

One of the features of the Catholic Counter-Reformation was the Index of Prohibited Books.  Study the Index here.  List few books that you know of. Why might they be viewed as dangerous words to be blocked?

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